The Reboot
The Reboot is dedicated to helping business owners and managers critically evaluate good and bad decisions on technology, cybersecurity, processes, marketing, sales and other important general business topics. All of us here on the The Reboot are business owners and entrepreneurs ourselves and work every day with professionals responsible with the success of many types of business across the country. We hope our topics give you some insight to a decision or challenge you’re facing today.These are The Reboot crew members:Jim Gast, SpliceNet Consulting (; David A. Groot; Adam Pittman; David Luft; Stefanie Groot; Ryan Haislar; Brian Bratchie; Brandon Bowers
The Reboot
FTC Safeguards Rule and what you need to do by December 9 2022!
The Reboot Crew
Season 2
Episode 24
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has updated its Safeguards Rule. The new rule contains
several new and/or updated cybersecurity and risk management requirements for auto
dealerships and other non-banking financial firms.
Compliance with and implementation of cyber hygiene and information security practices is no
longer voluntary — but required by law. Today we will discuss the new Safeguards Rule Requirements and elements.
#thereboot #cybersecurity #ftcsafeguardsrule #msp #securityprogram